
Girls Town is a home run by the support of many generous people. It is only through your help that the institution can support the children and go forward with its activities. So you can help us by sending donations according to your capability and will.


You can make a difference!

You could make donations personally by visiting our Girls Town or if you are not able to visit us make your cheque payable to our account.

Demand Draft in favour of Mother Superior and Bursar Girls Town, Kozhuvanal.
We are having Savings Bank Account   - A/C No.67040177836 (IFS Code –SBIN0070364  )

Foreign Nationals / Organisations can donate via

Account Name    : Director Girls Town

Bank Name         : Central Bank of India

Branch                 :Pala

Account No         : 2034289102

Swift Code          : CBININBBOSB

IFSC Code          : CBIN0280956


A list of the financial needs is displayed below for your reference. You can support us as you can.


Breakfast   -        Rs. 45 x 100                  =  4500/- 

Lunch         -       Rs. 80 x 100                  =  8000/-

Tea              -       Rs. 25 x 100                  =  2500/-

Supper       -        Rs. 50 x 100                 =   5000/-

Dinner        –       Rs. 150 x 100               =  15000/-

Sponsoring for a month                         =  2000/-