Girls Town is a shore of hope to thousands of girls who are deprived of the chance in life to grow and flourish due to their poor and pathetic family and social situations. It was founded in by Rev. Fr. Abraham Kaippanplackal, a devoted prophet of the compassionate love of God towards the poor and destitute. It is run  by the congregation of Snehagiri Missionary Sisters, a religious community wholly dedicate for the poor and afflicted. Girls Town has its own discipline and time schedule for everything. Most of the children are coming from broken families and from very pathetic  life situation. .  It is a home for the girls from nursery to 12th standard. There were 225 girls in this home earlier. There  are  about 125 children  receiving benefit- food, medicine cloth, education, accommodation and personal care.

Snehagiri Missionary Sisters is an indigenous religious community in the Syro-Malabar Church with a Specific Charism of Witnessing the compassionate love of Jesus among the poor and abandoned, deriving spiritual power and strength from the Holy Eucharist. Inspired by the words of Jesus Christ “Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did if for me” (Mt. 25:40), the religious community of the Snehagiri SMS was founded in the diocese of Palai on 24th May 1969 by Rev. Fr. Abraham Kaippanplackal.

While working as the Asst. Vicar of Lalam Church, Pala the pathetic sights of the wandering children in the streets, kindled a new light in his compassionate mind . He talked with them, comprehended the throbbing pains of their little minds and adopted them to his mind as his own children. Then his dream for the better future of these children were realized by the support of some kind hearted people of his parish. With out delay a new shelter home was started for the care and well being of these wandering boys of Pala, Boys Town. Later it became a home of love, concern and solace to many young boys and a sanctuary of hope to many families.